Frequently Asked Questions

Reset Password

1/ Head to

2/ Submit your email address

3/ Proceed through the email steps to gain access to your account.

Login To Your Account

1/ Head to

2/ Click Forget Password?

3/ Proceed through the email steps to gain access to your account.

Purchase a Course

1/ Head to

2/ Select the desired course

3/ Proceed through the steps to checkout

4/ Add designated promo code if applicable

5/ Checkout and access on your account

Promotional Codes For ONTABA Members

1/ If you are unsure about your promotional code

2/ Please check the welcome email provided when you first signed up for ONTABA

3/ If you are not able to access your promo code, please contact us with the email address you also use for your ONTABA account.


Logout of your Account

1/ Head to

2/ Click Forget Password?

3/ Proceed through the email steps to gain access to your account.

Access / See Progress for your Course

1/Login to your account

2/ Proceed to MyTraining >> Profile

3/ See progress or continue with courseware

Additional Troubleshooting Courses and Accounts

1/ Fill out the form on the contact page with your request

2/ Provide any information that would be valuable for the ONTABA team

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